Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Vistana's Record Breaking Event

Vistana Toastmasters Club had its meeting on 25 Jul 2008. The meeting was made more merrier and lively with the participation of 10 guests from the Hong Leong Group of Companies as well as our Distinguished Toastmasters (DTMs), Zaharah and Sue Ding.

Madam President, Sarimah, touched on the subject of Kaizen or continuous improvement, which all of us need to inculcate in our minds and make it a way of life, in order to improve our communication and leadership skills.
TME Kula spoke about how famous personalities had passion in their hearts to improve themselves in public speaking.

Table Topics and Humour sessions were handled by Gunendran, and there was a mix of topics which everyone had an interest in. Some of our guests, although shy, gave it a try and showed that they can stand in front of an audience and deliver their thoughts. Gunendran's jokes had everyone laughing their hearts out.

Assignment speakers, Tee and Sabrina showed our guests that they are capable of delivering their speeches with confidence, and with practice, anyone can speak so as to inspire and captivate their audience.

DTM Zaharah gave an impressive briefing on history of TM to our guests who were convinced that Vistana TM is the place where they can sharpen and enhance their speaking and leadership skills.
DTM Sue Ding talked about mentoring and how this could be of great help to new members who may initially face difficulty in preparing their speeches, etc..

In relation to role playing, there was always some members volunteering their service to make the meeting a successful event.

The meeting ended at about 11 pm.

TME of the nite,

Sunday, July 20, 2008


11 July 2008, a date which is unforgettable for most of Vistana Toastmasters club members especially me. On this day we embark our new term for Toastmasters journey as we are having the first Toastmasters meeting for the term. It was a scintillating start for us as we continue our aspiration to become the leading Toastmasters club in Kuantan and East Coast. Our club President Sarimah’s opening speech share with us her an inspirational notion about not to procrastinate things that can be done today.

The opening speech truly an invocation speech for all of the twelve members and guest that night. The speech also reminds me to complete this newsletter as soon as possible. This is the first Vistana Toastmasters newsletter to be put in our blogspot which is www.divisionb.blogspot.com. What a pressure for me! Anyhow it is really was an honour for me and I must thanks our Area B4 Governor ACS, ALB Johnson Yike for that. He is the one who come out this brilliant idea to put our newsletter in the blogspot.

Table Topic session by Toastmasters Poh Lin is an unforgettable session for me as I share a deeply personal “secret” in that session. What deeply personal “secret”? You may ask! I guest you have to be there on that night to know my “secret”. Hahaha! It was a fruitful session for all the Table Topic speakers especially we have a guest Miss Karti from BASF Petronas sharing her first Table Topic experience. It good to know that the level of English has substantial improve as it was point out by Table Topic Evaluator Kula and Grammarian Poh Lin.

It really an excellent start from the term as we have 3 assignment speakers pursuing their Competent Communicator award on that night. This means we are one step closer to achieve 4 CC for this tem and at the same time achieve 2 DCP point. We have Sabrina with her Project 5 entitle “Unforgettable moment”, Kula’s Project 7 entitle “Threat to planet Earth” and our president Sarimah’s Project 6 entitle “Anecdotes is my life”. Wow! What can I say? Kudos to all the three assignment speakers for a job well done. I truly enjoy all the speech especially Sabrina’s Project 5 as I was her assignment evaluator that night. For me it was Sabrina best speech so far as she demonstrates her speech with articulate body movement, facial expressions and eye contact to enhance her speech.

To sum up I must say it was an unforgettable Toastmasters evening for me as it was my first TME role for a long time. The meeting starts at 8.02pm and end on 10.15pm respectively which was a good sign but still got room for improvement. It the mid of excitement I forgot to ask the members and guests to vote the best assignment speaker and best evaluator. A truly “unforgettable” night for me. Many thanks to all the role players and speakers that make the meeting a success. Special thanks to Area B4 Governor as his role as General evaluator and his constructive feedback. Hope to have another outstanding meeting on 25 July 2008.

Courage to Make a Difference

Your TME
Vince Lim


Greetings earthlings...Welcome to planet earth.. ( shoot this is not some extraterrestrial movie duh)! Its the Vistana Toasmasters blogs la! How could I greet people like that?
Ok let's start again...
Hello everybody! Welcome to the Vistana Toastmasters Club blogsite!
This is a giant step for us in Vistana TMC, starting our own online journal. Oh well, the world has evolved, people are more into that online thingy now. Thus, it is high time that we take the next step into this so called blogging world.
Oh, don't worry, we will not become like those prolific political blogger, this would solely be a diary for us in Vistana Toastmasters Club, sharing the members journey into becoming Toastmasters; becoming a better speaker, a better leader and most importantly becoming a better person.

Oh I've lot more to say, but didn't have the time yet. Perhaps when time permitted, we'll share with the rest of the world how we started of. Till the, cheerios!